Firstly, please be reassured that I am taking every possible measure to protect my clients against COVID-19. I am using hospital grade disinfectant to clean my studio, chair and equipment, wearing PPE myself to prevent spreading infection, and providing a seperate hand towel for anyone who needs to use my bathroom. I will also (needless to say) not be working with clients if I feel unwell or think I may have been exposed to COVID-19.

I also need all clients to comply with my safety policies which are listed below. These policies will be in place as long as COVID-19 is still an issue. As I will be in close contact with many clients every week, and clients may be entering my home to use facilities, it is very important to minimise the combined risk that this brings. This is a risk to myself, my other clients and my family. So I ask that all clients strictly adhere to these policies if attending an appointment with me.

Please do not attend your appointment if you feel unwell or have been around someone who may have COVID-19. If you contact me any time prior to the appointment I will be happy to reschedule you for a later date.

Please make sure your hair and/or dreads are washed and dried before the appointment.

Please turn up to your appointment at the correct time as this will allow me to clean and sterilise my space and equipment between appointments, for the protection of all clients. If you turn up early I may still be preparing the space after my previous client; if you turn up late then your appointment may overrun which will make it more difficult to clean everything properly after you leave. When planning and scheduling your appointment we will need to be clear about what you are needing so that I can schedule a suitable time slot accordingly.

Please make a note of my phone number 07512 552960. When you arrive please give me a ring – I will come to meet you and bring you round to my studio.

I will need to you to use hand sanitiser upon entering my studio.

For the protection of myself and clients, I will be wearing a visor and mask. You will need to bring your own mask and not remove it during the appointment. If you do not bring one, I have a limited supply here so can provide a spare one for a £2 charge.

I won’t be able to supply any refreshments for you so please bring your own if you think you’ll need something.

Weather permitting I will opt to work with my studio door open to provide ventilation – so please make sure you have enough layers with you.

Payment – I am still happy to accept cash ?

IMPORTANT: as I don’t have a separate toilet in my studio, you will need to use the bathroom in my house. Please make sure you observe the following rules when entering my home:

You must remove your shoes/coat and sanitise your hands again before entering my house. 

Please ensure you wash hands thoroughly after using the bathroom, and use the customer towels provided.

Please refrain from touching anything unnecessarily in my home.

Thank you for respecting these rules which enable me to be safe and to protect my family whilst continuing to do what I do ?